Case Study: Self-install in ICF Build
Self-build in Cambridgeshire highlights the advantages of planning ahead with self-install MVHR.
Mark’s project was complex with many elements to be considered: using ICF construction (insulated concrete form) required advance planning in order to integrate the MVHR ductwork with the build. As a result of this, the initial MVHR design was done during the planning stages, allowing our client to make provision for the ducting way before the physical build began.
Without this level of planning, the limited loft space and internal ICF walls right up to the roof would have made it difficult to find clear routes for the ducting. Mark was able to avoid drilling holes in the ICF by taking this into account ahead of time, fitting galvanised steel sleeves through the walls before the concrete was poured. This made it easy to connect the duct either side of the walls once they were in place.
This in itself presented more problems as it meant that the MVHR design was somewhat solidified, making it difficult to alter if any clashes with the build arose as it went up. Minor changes were made by the client when installing, including the exact positioning of the unit and the location of multiple vents. After the self-installation was complete, Rega went in to balance the system in accordance with Building Regulations and issue a commissioning certificate. The system passed comfortably, indicating that it had been installed correctly and successfully.
Mark’s project highlights the advantages of advance planning - the integration of the MVHR design from the beginning of the project was essential to its success. The result? A beautiful, airy new home with a fresh and pleasant atmosphere.